do you want to change idempiere identity when user login to webui? you dont need code to do that
you can remove idempiere identity like browser title and logo on login or header section to make your idempiere installation more personal.
you only need to login as SuperUser or System, select tenant as "System". open "System Configurator" window. create new record with name "ZK_BROWSER_TITLE" and set field configured value as you wish.
to change the browser icon, you can set system configurator "ZK_BROWSER_ICON" with your own favicon.
to change idempiere login logo, you can create new system configurator record with name "ZK_LOGO_LARGE" and set field configured value to url of the logo.
to change idempiere small logo on header section, you can create new system configurator record with name "ZK_LOGO_SMALL" and set field configured value to url of the small logo.
you can also change the link for button "Help" on login screen to another url instead to wiki by create new system configurator record with name "LOGIN_HELP_URL" and fill configured value to your link.
to change the link for button "Help" on select role screen, you can create new system configurator with name "LOGIN_SELECT_ROLE_HELP_URL".